Sunday, December 26, 2010

Its OK for me to NOT like beauty trends right?

OK so i know i'm a pro in the biz and all that but i hope its OK if i totally hate this season's upcoming and current trends in makeup. and frankly in hair and clothes. its like the 80's resurrected.
According to the fashion powers that be, aside from hair bumps, VERY textured big wavy hair, puffed sleeves, multilayered clothes chunky bright jewelry and other scenes from my very early childhood being cool again, makeup is having an 80's revival and while i can teach you how to do it, i'm not a fan.

its all about loud and matte: matte everything is back. i was raised both as a teen and then taught in beauty class that matte is bad. matte looks dry, dead, lifeless.  Dewy skin, and luscious lips were the way to look youthful and fresh. keeping lips neutral allowed you to play with color on the eyes. , blending was the key to every look and i loved every second of it.

So now they recommend matte foundation and strong matte colors all over. Matte lipstick in colors like fuchia and orange and purple, pink powder cheeks and on eyes, instead of blending to create definition they talk about applying of vibrant (i.e. loud color)
and the total givaway to the 80's mess: straight, bushy brows. my whole life i have loved the look of an elegant graceful arch over the eyes to anchor the look and frame the face. these arches could be pointed or curved, bold or delicate, but the so called BOLD brows around now just look messy to me. i mean they are combed and gelled but look masculine, heavy and neanderthal like.

i may do a video to demonstrate these looks just for fun and for those who do want to be trendy,
but i believe that beauty has to be about bringing out your best look and while sometimes trends can be great, (i love that the sculpted contoured look is back) i don't beleive one should wear a trend just cuz its a trend. you have to be confidant enough in yourself to look good wearing something everyone else isn't because it suits you.

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